What Is A Divorce/Family Coach in Columbus OH?
For many couples, separation and then divorce become a pivotal life event that may be one of the most challenging they ever face. The legal process traditionally does not deal well with intense feelings of grief, pain, anger, guilt and sadness. Children as well as their parents often struggle with these emotions. Transition is more complicated when these issues are ignored.
A collaborative divorce coach will work closely with the parties, attorneys and other members of the professional team to thoughtfully create a highly structured, individualized process that will guide the spouses in optimal decision-making.
Divorce coaches who are members of the Win Win Divorce (COACDP) are experienced and independently licensed mental health professionals such as psychologists, social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists.
Each collaborative family coach is a skilled neutral professional experienced with issues of divorce and specifically trained in collaborative divorce and the collaborative family law process. They are able to help you manage a wide variety of emotions, stressors and issues that arise during divorce.
What To Expect?
The coach will initially meet with both parties and their lawyers to assess suitability for the collaborative process. Identifying unique goals, interests and needs is another initial step.
Then throughout the process, a coach will:
- Communicate thoroughly with all members of the professional team
- Work individually with parties to help each person be present during meetings
- Prepare parties to participate in meetings in a clear and respectful manner
- Skillfully facilitate collaborative joint meetings
Additionally, the coach can work with parents to establish an effective co-parenting relationship and a developmentally appropriate shared parenting plan that addresses the needs of minor children. In some cases, a child specialist may be used as an additional neutral professional to address specific child-related concerns.
Coaches do not offer legal advice or provide therapy. Coaches will provide education and support and facilitate the collaborative process. While many parties experience improved communication and a more positive outlook as a result of collaborative divorce, a coach does not place blame on any party or specifically address problems in the marriage.
Move Forward With The Help Of A Collaborative Family Coach
Divorce is a time for a restart. Working with a team of professionals can ease the process and keep it collaborative. Send us an online message to get started.