Find Out If Collaborative Divorce Is Right for You
Columbus Collaborative Divorce Professionals
Also Serving Ohioans in Franklin & Delaware
Divorce is commonly one of life’s most traumatic and painful experiences. It involves countless aspects of your personal and family life upon which you may have relied for years or decades. It often impacts not only you and your spouse but children and even extended family, who all may have opinions and “advice” about your situation.
The entire structure of your life will likely be upended when ending your marriage. These changes can range from how to deal with the family home and mortgage to other financial matters as well as the often-challenging issue of parental rights and responsibility. Dealing with all the factors in your divorce can be overwhelming enough without having to expose yourself and your children to the stress of an adversarial courtroom trial.
The Win Win Divorce (COACDP), better known as Win Win Divorce, offers a better way to divorce that involves non-court methods that allow you and your spouse to remain in control of these critical decisions and arrangements. You and your spouse know your situation and family better than anyone. With the right professional help, you can restructure your post-divorce life optimally outside of the courtroom. This means a more humane, less divisive, less expensive, and less time-consuming process.
Why Choose Win Win Divorce?
As someone facing divorce, you may not understand all the options available to you in resolving this legal matter. Our organization is here to ensure that you have all the information you need in finding the right resolution method for you and your family.
We ensure that you understand how to remain in control of your divorce decisions and have a path moving forward that minimizes conflict and adversity. We put a team on your side whose sole mission is to help you resolve your divorce as painlessly as possible with optimum results.
We provide comprehensive and ongoing training for collaborative professionals.
We provide a team of professionals to assist in the collaborative family law process.
We provide in depth information about the collaborative family law process to our clients.
Who We Are & How We Can Help
Our group is a nonprofit organization made up of 21 lawyers as well as financial professionals, mental health professionals, and others who are trained in the collaborative divorce process.
Our goals are threefold:
- To provide information about the collaborative family law process to clients as an available alternative when ending a marriage.
- To offer clients a list of trained member professionals that are available to assist in the collaborative law process, including professionals in the legal, financial, mental health, and real estate fields.
- To promote the process and offer competent training to collaborative professionals.
When you come to us, you will get a team approach that brings together the professionals you need to help you resolve your divorce through proper knowledge, information, guidance, and creative problem-solving. Your assembled team will focus on helping you reach workable, long-term solutions outside of the typical litigation model. Our process keeps the decision-making control in your hands.
In addition to collaborative law, several other alternative dispute-resolution tools can limit conflict. It may be possible to avoid litigation with direct or indirect negotiation without a collaborative participation agreement, mediation, early neutral evaluation, and/or arbitration.
Collaborative Family Law Act
In 2013, the Ohio Collaborative Family Law Process Act went into effect. This legislation sets out the requirements and protections afforded by participation in a collaborative family law process.
Communications that occur with lawyers in the collaborative family law process are confidential. Privileged communications also extend to those made by the parties and non-parties designated to participate in the process (such as financial professionals and family coaches). This means that what is discussed in the collaborative process cannot be used against you in court if this process is terminated and a divorce case is filed in court.
Facing divorce? Contact Win Win Divorce to arrange for a consultation with one of our Columbus divorce professionals to learn more about divorce resolutions without costly litigation. Call (614) 505-4530 to get started.